Sometimes, I use :) to hide :(.
Sometimes, I use :D to hide :'(
I keep working, hang out, doing something to make myself busy, to fulfill my lonely time.
Everything I did just because I wanna try to forget you.
You just a pass, just a dream, the one I know become I knew.
Thanks for everyone who cheer me up. I learn to be STRONG AND MATURE.
No more hope for a wrong person, no more feeling, no more sadness and emotion when I think about him.
I shouldn't waste my time with the one who doesn't love me, I should spend my time with the one who care me more, love me more then I love them.
Don't worries, I am fine and I will find back my smile one day.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Its October!Busy life to go!
Long time dint update my bloggie! And now I'm feeling complicated, everything come together in the month. My birthday, my graduation ceremony, my Golden Achievement Award in Han Chiang college, my event Red Bull Monkey Run and the last and also the most important, I met you in the same time! What I need is time and money. Last month I bang my car, not so serious, but I need to spend RM900 to do repair and car maintenance. I was so sad bcoz it make my dad burden getting heavy. Anyway, I need to pay him back when I get my salary. And you, my dear... What we need is tolerance, we are busy doing our own event,own job... But dont worries, everything will getting smooth. xoxo
Friday, August 5, 2011
A real friendship...
Sometimes, I will think about what is friends? How you mean by a friendship? People that besides you or people that care about you? Sometimes, I will think that I do not really have a true friend. Friends that can hang out with me, playing with me, they are so many. But friends that you really need when you are sad, you trying to talk secret with them, its few, few until I can count in few finger. I just feel that nothing is forever, life is reality, it will make people change. I do not blame anyone who already forget our friendship, I just realized a true friend not really need to stick together everyday or call up everyday. Real friends are not really always keep in touch, but when you meet them back, you wont feel they are strange, bcoz they are always remember you, concern with you :) Hi my friend, I am missing you every single day.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Revision Week
This is revision week of my final sem. Next monday will be my first day of final exam, and it will be last day to back college for any college exam or function. Honestly, I not willing to my friend, my life in college, after graduate, it will be a big changes in my life. I need to use to another working environment, another peer, another life. I know that everyone are growing up. I still can remember that when I step into college on April, 2009. It still fresh in my mind, and now, everything was change. My best friend is not so close now, my lecturer is not that rude now, canteen food is not that cheap now. I become a senior from a junior. I am so curious why my ex senior would cry when they leaving college, now I understand what they feel. It is complicated, it is abit sweet and abit bitter. I had cry before, laugh before in here. I had rush my assignment at here, skip my class, or hang out with friend during break time, whatever I did here, I still remember. But now, it will be memory forever and ever. I t will not happen in future, I said that when can I graduate and work like the others, but now? I wish to stay here, never mind. It will be a deep memory in my heart. What I need to do now is complete my last revision for my last exam in Han Chiang. :')
Thursday, July 14, 2011
TIME passing fast :(
OMG! I really stop my blog writing for few months! What I doing in this few months? Actually I just finish my final project, which named "Who Loves Me", that was a charity event that related to Shama Orphanage House and Penang government, I should feel happy with it? No. I am not really satisfied with my event, even though they tell me that my event was successful. I think that is my own problem,maybe I not really can communicate with my team member, especially my president, I know she really put a lots of effort in this event, but how? She do not have any experience, do not have any planning skill...As a media relation executive, I do learn many things from my partner Kimberley, she did well! That is true! She teach me many things about media management, how to communicate with media? how to invite them? how to keep good relationship between media with us? First at all, I wanna say thank you with you! Besides that, I have my friends that I know for 3 years, I know you all really do your best in this event. They are tina and joan. They are really good in planning, management and communication! what I can see from them are EQ and IQ. They try to done their job that given by my president even though they know that is unfair because of some crisis. They have responsibility with what they need to do, this time, is the first time I feeling proud with what I done. I had invite Kwong Wah as my media partner, Spotlite magazine sponsor, and Lau Han Jie performance sponsor. I know it is just a little favor but I really glad that I have many audience to attended my event bcoz of Han Jie performance. Thanks to YB Mr.Phee Boon Poh, Ms. Jenny and my group members. Sometimes, we might have some argue or issue, maybe we lack of communication, but I hope that it do not bring bad impact for our friendship. I feeling so relax today bcoz I done my last presentation of Public Speaking, I am so happy that is not that worst as my imagination. Yeah! Finally I have passed the season of rush assignment, but at the other side, I am feeling blank now. I do not know what to do after graduate, maybe continue my study, but my family not really can afford my study fee, I think I will start to find a job and start my working life in the society. Time really passing fast. It feel like I just step in my college yesterday, when that day was April 2009. Well, I really enjoy my college life, I glad to know my all lecturers, friends and classmates that accompany with me everyday, maybe we are not going to meet in the future, but let me wish you all here, ALL THE BEST! xoxo
Jeremy,Tina,Foong Yi me and Joan |
Who Loves Me team members |
my lovely friend tina and joan :) |
Sunday, May 15, 2011
好久没更新自己的部落格了,新的学期比我想相中还要忙,因为这是最后一个学期,我们必须完成一个final project...这次的组员是我从未合作过的朋友,Zhi Ee, Kimberly, Tina, Joan, Hooi Shien, Nicole, Sin Ting, Nick...除了雯雯,其他都是功课上的新伙伴。这个学期必须很认真,很多东西要办。毕竟,Kim的要求很高,所以很多时候我们的每一个细节都要求完美。在pr的final project里,每一次的会议,我们不知争论了多少次,就是为了把event做到最好。难免会有些压力,身为media contact,很多媒体需要联络,我常常打电话打到手软。为了这个event,可是牺牲了很多subject的assignment...很多功课来不及完成,还好这学期没有做工了,偶尔接一些roadshow或fair来做。虽然没有固定工作和收入,但自己的坏习惯还是不能改。乱花钱!这个坏习惯跟着我好久了,爱血拼真的是女人的天性,怎么改呢?是时候控制了...
越来越接近毕业的日子了,才发现自己很舍不得这里的同学,朋友,老师,有时候,很想时间过的慢一些,让我好好享受这仅有的学院生活吧... =(
越来越接近毕业的日子了,才发现自己很舍不得这里的同学,朋友,老师,有时候,很想时间过的慢一些,让我好好享受这仅有的学院生活吧... =(
Monday, April 4, 2011
终于熬过了三个月的实习,很开心!Manager给我的评语不错,supervisor也很疼我,大家都很舍不得我的离开,可惜,我发觉我对knowles一点留恋都没有...真的!我很不喜欢工厂的差事,每一天重复一样的东西...今天回到我的“母校”了,很兴奋,比起每天早上爬起来去工厂,我比较喜欢上课的感觉...遇到很多熟悉的脸孔,有的瘦了,有的胖了,有的头发短了,有的留长了,而我还是老样子。(至少大家都认得我,哈!)这么快就来到最后一个学期了,这么快就踏入20岁了,很怀念刚进入学院的青涩样子。大家都毫无心结,现在都各奔东西了。看到大家都找到各自的幸福了,很羡慕,心的另一边,是孤独。很替他们开心,大家都找到另一半,找到对的人,而我还在寻找的途中,对的人几时才会出现?不知道,交给缘分吧...今年很旺事业,认识到了很多做event和fair的人,大家一有工都会call我,现在脑里只想着赚钱,赚钱...实习后,就等于“失业”了。我需要更多的part time,把自己的时间填的满满,这样就不会在一个人的时候胡思乱想了。be positive!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
现在是以放松的心情写这篇网志,因为今天是工厂的补假,不用上班!这么快就到了三月,也就是说,我的实习生涯也踏入第三个月,就快要结束了!在这里认识到了很可爱的同事,也是和我一样来自学院的实习生,Shinguin和Xin Fang走了之后,本以为以后在公司的会很闷,谁知道误打误撞认识到了Ee Ling, Joan, Su Cheng几个Engineering的trainee...他们都是来自Tar College,有的来自吉隆坡的Tar...想起来还蛮有缘分的,可惜他们刚来不久,我就要走了,在此住他们实习顺利咯!最近,心情都开朗了起来,心中也再也没有遗憾了,欠我一句道歉的人都道歉了,该原谅的都原谅了,该放下的都放下了。迫不及待等待开学的到来,见见我的姐妹和哥儿们。工作了这么久,才知道身为学生的我们是多么的幸福啊~不用小心翼翼的生活,不用看人脸色,不用面对种种的压力,比起那些上班族的压力,我们的压力算得了什么?在公司里,我才发觉自己是多么的渺小,我要付出多少努力,才能向他们那样,被上司赏识,看来我要学习的东西很多。来到这里,的确学到了很多东西,很多我从未接触的东西,连Engineering的东西也学到了不少,感谢那班亲切的trainee...虽然这次的实习薪水很低,得到的却比失去的多,这一趟也让我“赚”了不少!^_^
Saturday, February 12, 2011
还有一天就是情人节,昨晚相约去hard rock hotel参与red fm主办的单身派对。到了目的地,才发现派对比我们想象中差好远,除了我们几个,其他都年级比我们大,有的79年的,年轻点就81,84年的,天啊!我们怎么可能融入他们的世界。本以为有免费又高档的自助餐,结果看到他们准备的食物,胃口都没了,根本不是hotel该有的水准,他们准备了炒面,curry puff,薄饼,感觉到这种通街都有的食物,不应该出现在hard rock hotel!
第二,服装不搭场合,超级不搭!派对竟然在游泳池举办,大家穿得很casual,不然就是穿比基尼,我们的穿着打扮显得有点格格不入,打扮得太漂亮,又不能玩水了!算了,三十六计,走为上计。我们还是拍了几张照片,做做纪念就离开了!大家都大老远过来槟城,就这样回家,当然不甘愿的。文泰:Nibong Tebal. Ah Phoon: Sungai Siput,Perak 俐雯:Bukit Mertajam...大家都住好远哦!山长水远来到这边,毫无收获,怎么可以呢?好吧!大家都决定去Gurney看戏,顺便填饱肚子!(ps:为了吃高档的buffet而空肚子去...=.=)
唯一一部大家都还没看的电影是“神奇侠侣”,买了票,进了场,才知道这戏有多么无聊!大家都快睡了,千万别看这部戏,你会后悔的~这个情人节,没有鲜花,没有巧克力,没有伴, 都我们的友谊还是修补了,总算受得云开见月明!虽然单身看似孤独,但换个角度看,简单就是福!原来单身也可以过情人节...
第二,服装不搭场合,超级不搭!派对竟然在游泳池举办,大家穿得很casual,不然就是穿比基尼,我们的穿着打扮显得有点格格不入,打扮得太漂亮,又不能玩水了!算了,三十六计,走为上计。我们还是拍了几张照片,做做纪念就离开了!大家都大老远过来槟城,就这样回家,当然不甘愿的。文泰:Nibong Tebal. Ah Phoon: Sungai Siput,Perak 俐雯:Bukit Mertajam...大家都住好远哦!山长水远来到这边,毫无收获,怎么可以呢?好吧!大家都决定去Gurney看戏,顺便填饱肚子!(ps:为了吃高档的buffet而空肚子去...=.=)
唯一一部大家都还没看的电影是“神奇侠侣”,买了票,进了场,才知道这戏有多么无聊!大家都快睡了,千万别看这部戏,你会后悔的~这个情人节,没有鲜花,没有巧克力,没有伴, 都我们的友谊还是修补了,总算受得云开见月明!虽然单身看似孤独,但换个角度看,简单就是福!原来单身也可以过情人节...
Friday, February 11, 2011
这年很多人都事事不顺,我刚好相反。兔年很旺我,这是真的!至少比虎年更多好运!实习不知不觉进入第2个月了,很多事情都上手了。今年新年气氛平平,很多时候,都只为了应酬一些亲戚,特别的是,第一次不用回妈妈的娘家,今年外婆来槟城求医,动手术,还好手术很顺利!外婆很健康了!大家都不要她奔破,就干脆从perlis来槟城拜年!很热闹!看到了很久不见的表姐,很开心!今年的情人节,依然单身,没关系,我还有一班朋友开心的度过!这次很不一样,我们到hard rock hotel庆祝情人节!想到都很兴奋!哈哈哈!祝天下的有情人终成眷属!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
实习进入第二个星期,我的superviser终于从百忙中赶回来,那一天是她工作的最后一天。我和她可以说是有缘无份!接下来,她就要放两个月的产假,生孩子去了...也难怪...因为马来人很爱生...还有政府津贴,唉!她把每日必须交待的东西,报告,需要签名的文件,表格,都交给我了!顿时觉得,我的责任很重大哦!第一次听实习生转眼变成superviser,压力很大!深怕一旦做错事情,会拖累我的部门,我的上司,或者学校的名誉!还有一样,我最讨厌的东西,是非!I Hate Office Politics!真的,人多的地方,是非也会多,还是乖乖做好自己的本分,熬过这三个月就好了!值得一提的是,我认识到两位可爱的同事,Shinguin和Xin Fang!两个都是INTI的学生,INTI的人给我的感觉是很有钱,很骄傲,难以接近,都是大少爷或千金小姐。错!我的观念错了!这两位小姐是蛮有钱,但他们肯做肯挨,跟我想象中的差太远了,嗯!感恩!你们的出现,帮了我很多忙^^
Thursday, January 13, 2011
这是我在工厂实习的第四天,今天是星期四,对于工厂的运作,部门,认识都慢慢的上手了。唯一让我想昏头的是,名字!工厂有上千个员工,只是办公室的,少少都占了一两百。第一天实习时,先去找人事部的负责人,原以为自己会待在HR三个月,结果却被他们调去Training Department顶那边的superviser Miss Nani...她小小只的,讲话很快,样子有点凶,但是人很好,也很有耐性,问题是:我们缺了一些缘分,她即将请产假,生孩子去了。从实习开始到现在,只见过她一天,她用了她宝贵的一小时教导我部门的运作,工作,介绍那边的同事和部门与部门之间的联系。还好,她真的很体谅我是新人,暂时不会给我什么重任,就让我跟着她旗下的同事Denise...Denise是很有经验的Trainer,她训练过无数的新人,所有工厂的操作人员都是由11个Trainer训练出来的,可见这个部门的重要性...这几天,Manager和superviser都不在,不是出国开会,就是MC,所以这边的同事都很独立自主,这也是我必须学习的地方。没有人会命令你,吩咐你,或提醒你,但你要做好自己的本分,完成你该有的责任和工作。第一天和第二天,真的闷到发慌,没有人敢给我工作,他们都认为我的位置和superviser平等,其实不是。我得亲自提问,有什么可以帮忙的,让我做多点东西,至少实习册子上与些东西可以交待...唉!我发觉自己不适合做办公室人员,还是喜欢东奔西跑的工作,我想自己对event的工作会比较兴趣,没关系,当作自己学多一份知识,不会吃亏的=)
Friday, January 7, 2011
unforgetable week
this is the first week of 2011, what i doing in this week? gathering! yes! gathering mean some close friends meet together, they can share anything with u, they are always missing u and care bout u... even though i already stop working mng, but we still can gathering before they back to their own city continue their study. i am glad to know them, soo hun... she is a little girl even she's 23 yrs old, but she looks like a child...hahaha! jia xin, my best fighter in shop, everyone thought we're arguing, but that is the way we talk v each other. other part timer such as su ching, winky, renee, ghee fang....thanks for u all helping us in this season. without u, we can't did it well. i thk the most happier are permanent, thet already hit their month target, but won't get any commission,lol... just forget bout it! we already done our responsible. the other day, is time to gather v my dear tina, joan, and leewen... we went winter warmer again, that restaurant really 'old place' of us...we like the environment and decoration so much! if u go there having lunch, u will fall in love v it!hahaha! serious! especially couple...
now, my sis also going to kl to start her internship at RTM. good luck for her, coz this is the first time she leave from home and going to outstation alone. 2 more days to go, i wanna start my training at bayan lepas,god bless me!
now, my sis also going to kl to start her internship at RTM. good luck for her, coz this is the first time she leave from home and going to outstation alone. 2 more days to go, i wanna start my training at bayan lepas,god bless me!
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